7 tips for a great speech
7 ways to make a great speech if you manage to win this weekend! We’ve all heard the mumbling from the podium, and the thanks to the...
How to make your shearing day feel easier in one easy step!
I remember watching a play over 15 years ago about a young shearer who was doing really well in a board race, when he fell apart. He was...
17 tips on how to make sure you wake up refreshed in the morning
Shearers as we know are among the most elite of endurance athletes – exercising by working every day. Exercise increases the need for...
11 ways to keep cool in the heat.
Are you super hot at work at the moment? I've worked out eleven ways you can keep cool in the heat - but I want to know what you think....
Creating a Weapon for shearing and woolhandling (or, Getting rid of the dags!).
Now the Golden Shears is over, the winners are all tucked up in bed with their ribbons, and it's just another week in the sheds. I'm...
Welcome to Shear Pace - How and why is a physio building a shearing app?
Welcome to Shear Pace! Sheep shearing is a much maligned industry. The historical view of shearers, especially in New Zealand has been...