Feedback on the app
I received some great unsolicited feedback from a user of the app - after a bit of discussion with them (and their permission) I've just recreated it below.... and there is a link here for the free iphone app. The others will follow soon!
It includes
some tips for using the app,
tips for setting tallies,
how to use it to get your tally up and technique better
"Hi storm, I did a days shearing today (the first one in a while) and finally got to use the app. It's bloody awesome I can't wait for the paid version to come out and more days shearing. I reckon you are onto a winner well done you..."
Me: is it quicker?
"I don't know about any quicker but it definitely keeps me on target and it's also an awesome way to challenge myself"
Me: Do you think that your times/effort/quality/enjoyment are the same or different?
"I've shorn with a stop watch by my counter for years, my time per sheep with the app is much more consistent because I don't have to do the calculations in my head which also has the added benefit of allowing me to focus more attention to the shearing so I guess that means that quality will be better but I can't say I notice a difference in quality as I generally try to shear them all to a high standard anyway.
As for effort it's much easier because I've always been a good starter and go well for the first hour and then tend to drop off for the second and in recent years I've got to the end of the run and said oh well that's enough even though I know I could have done a few more, with the app I can just shear to the average I need to do the required tally and keep the momentum going right thru the run.
"it's much easier...with the app I can just shear to the average I need to do the required tally and keep the momentum going right thru the run."
So far I've found that it's best to set a target that is achievable and then stay in front and try to work my way to getting few extras. I haven't tried setting it so I'm shearing in the red and racing the clock to hard which I think probably is the answer to the enjoyment question because as you know the clock has always been the biggest enemy in the shed of any shearer and it's a bloody good feeling to stay in the green and get one over that old enemy"
Me: do you think that this would be beneficial for your tallies every day?
"I would have to say with the help of the app easily 5 for the second hour. Often without the app I need one or two or 3 more to get to the tally I want and end up either having to work harder for it the next run or just not worry about it for the day.

I think the potential for adding to a tally over a whole run huge as you can set a target and as long as you haven't set it too high and everything goes to plan you can work away at the same constant rate all run. That photo I sent you was for the second run, I hadn't shorn in a while and I set the app on the first run for 85 thinking I would be a bit unfit for anything better, finding the sheep were pretty good going ended up doing 95, the second run I thought well I will try and go one better this run and set it for 96 and the result was 102 just by staying on or ahead of the average time needed.
"I think the potential for adding to a tally over a whole run is huge as you can set a target and as long as you haven't set it too high and everything goes to plan you can work away at the same constant rate all run"
The third run I figured I was shearing that pace so set it for a nice round 100 even though we would run out of sheep and it kept me going along constantly on target even with the shed cut out looming".
In summary:
So, if you are keen on getting the app - at the moment I've got the iphone free app out, and the rest of them (android and paid, and subscription) will be released soon, hit this link here.
If you have been using the app and have any feedback or tips to help other users- email me here.